Tuesday 3 September 2019

Ayurveda for long hair

Hair loss has become a modern-day problem. Hair treated with so much love and care has become a subject of mourning. Today, we have thousands of hair products and tools on the market, but ironically, hair problems are at their peak. The new research does not seem to help as it should.
Health care in india earlier was based on traditional Ayurvedic principles. Since the advent of Ayurveda, practitioners have hundreds of recipes for skin and hair care.
Ayurvedic treatments are a popular choice for hair loss in many women because they incorporate natural ingredients and have been an effective remedy for hair loss since ancient times. You can now easily show off your gorgeous hair with exclusive Ayurvedic remedies. Ladies with short hair wish to have long and beautiful hair, but because of a lack of hair growth, they suffer from a lack of satisfaction of their desire.
According to Ayurveda, the type of hair is directly related to the body type and is systematically classified into three categories; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each type of hair has distinct characteristics, which explains the reasons for hair loss, which vary from person to person.
Ayurveda addresses 3 key concepts of care during treatment, namely: Nidana , Ahar and Chikitsa. 
Nidana means  Diagnostic measures
Ahar means the food we eat
Chikitsa means Care and support
Solutions From Ayurvedic Herbs
It helps to promote hair growth, but it also reverses baldness It can be used to prevent premature aging. It has the ability to enhance hair growth. You must make a paste from bhringaraj leaves by washing it properly.
Mix the leaves with a little water to obtain a consistent paste. Apply the paste on your scalp and your hair and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash with shampoo.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has many utilities for your daily life and your health benefits. For years, people have been using it to treat a variety of health problems. You can enjoy a clean system with Aloe Vera extracts. You can also extract Aloe Vera extract from its leaves and apply it on your hair to achieve wonderful results in hair growth.
Ritha has been used by women for centuries as a natural shampoo. Ritha promotes hair growth, improves volume and hair texture. Because of its softness, the natural ingredient can be used to clean your hair every day without removing the natural oils from your scalp.
Soak it overnight in 2 cups of warm water. In the morning, boil it in the same water for about 15 minutes, and then allow them to cool. Strain the cooled solution and collect the liquid. Then pour half of the solution into your hair. Massage for 5 minutes, rinse with water. 
Shikakai translates as "fruit for hair". Along with water, the fruit forms slight foam and can be used to effectively clean the hair.
Mix the ingredients in a pitcher, then reserve to use as a shampoo. Rinse your hair with water then pour half of the shikakai solution into your hair. Massage your hair for 5 minutes then rinse with water. 
It is a wonderful anti-oxidant herb that helps relieve you of Pitta Dosha. If this is eliminated, the root cause of hair loss will also be eliminated. If the toxin is removed from your body, hair follicles become thick and this helps in growing long hair.
Methi or fenugreek
Fenugreek seeds for hair growth are really the best thing! Boil the fenugreek with coconut oil until the seeds turn red. Then apply the hot oil on your scalp. You will amaze to notice the hair growth.
If you feel that these home remedies are difficult to manage so can use simply purchase Inveda’s Apple cider vinegar and fenugreek shampoo which has the goodness of Ayurveda and will bring back your long lustrous locks.
Although there are many things to blame for hair loss, such as pollution, food, and stress, the main reason is that we buried our old knowledge and practices. The valuable knowledge that has been shared from generation to generation to nourish and maintain hair is ignored and abandoned. And the result is hair loss, itchy scalp, chapped skin, loss of shine and soft hair. It’s time that we embrace Ayurveda and its products for a better living.

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